Osteopathy after birth for the mother
After the effort of giving birth and the fatigue of pregnancy, mothers' bodies have no time to recover.
Osteopathy can help make life easier for new mothers.
As an osteopath, Claire can help you get started with breastfeeding by working on the baby-mother relationship.
Early treatment (from the first week) is recommended in the event of difficulties with breastfeeding, in order to release all the tension in your newborn baby.
Osteopathy can also help with various post-partum discomforts and pains:
- Scarring (caesarean section, episiotomy or tear)
- Lower back pain (following rapid weight loss and/or anaesthesia)
- Joint pain (mechanical, e.g. coccyx pain, hormonal)
- Fascial and muscular pain
- headaches
- Digestive disorders
- Diaphragmatic pain
- Dyspareunia (pain on resumption of sexual intercourse)
- Bladder weakness (in conjunction with rehabilitation)
- Sleep disorders
- Shortness of breath
- Circulatory problems
- Anxiety, baby blues
Together, you work on all your body's systems to restore optimal mobility:
- The locomotor system, including bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments
- The cranial system
- The digestive system
- The nervous system
- The circulatory system
- The fascias
- ...
Osteopathy is a safe and gentle approach that contributes to the best possible recovery for new mothers and helps to alleviate post-partum pain and discomfort.
Claire is also able to advise you on the right exercises to help you get back into shape effectively, and refer you to other professionals if necessary.
Osteopathy after birth for the baby
Childbirth can be the first trauma for the baby. It can disturb the normal functioning of the cranial structures and disrupt their development.
Difficult, it sometimes requires the use of spatulas, suction cups or forceps, which will influence the mobility of the junctions of the cranial bones and cause immediate or later functional disorders.
Newborns are often born with a slightly deformed head. Parents are told that it will heal by itself. However, this often results in one or more osteopathic dysfunctions that can lead to functional disorders.
A very gentle examination of the different physiological mobilities (cranium, sacrum, abdomen...) will easily detect the minor dysfunctions at the origin of all these problems.
By means of an appropriate manual correction, always gentle, your baby will regain all his joy of living.
❖ when the delivery was carried out under epidural;
❖ when the labour was too long (more than eight hours) or too short (less than two
❖ in the case of a twin pregnancy;
❖ if the presentation was breech, face or forehead;
❖ after a strong pull on the head;
❖ when the cord has wrapped around the neck;
❖ in cases of prematurity (the skull is more fragile);
❖ if expulsion required a lot of pressure on the maternal abdomen;
❖ after the use of forceps, suction cup or spatula
❖ in case of caesarean section;
❖ in case of fetal suffering, even light resuscitation of the baby;
❖ in case of difficulty in breastfeeding, suckling
❖ if you notice a preferential head rotation or torticollis;
❖ he arches his back when held or during feeding;
❖ the baby is tense (stiff arms and/or hands);
❖ he jumps at the slightest noise and shows small tremors;
❖ he is sluggish and has difficulty holding his head;
❖ he cries all the time; he sleeps very little;
❖ he regurgitates, does not digest well and is restless after feeding;
❖ he has repeated ENT problems: ear infections, repeated bronchitis, noisy breathing...